Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

Seed to Seal Promise

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Most companies out there have a “slogan”. See if you can guess who goes with these slogans:

  1. “Just Do It”
  2. “Life’s Good”
  3. “I’m Loving It”
  4. “It’s Everywhere You Want to Be”
  5. “Melt’s in Your Mouth and Not in Your Hands”
  6. “The Happiest Place on Earth”

*answers at bottom of post

I am pretty sure you know at least a couple of those if not all of these! It is what the companies have built themselves on. They want you to THINK of them when you hear their slogan!

For Young Living essential oils though, it isn’t JUST a slogan, it’s also our calling! Yes they want us to think of Young Living when we hear “Seed to Seal” but it means so much more than just to think of them and me!

There are times when oils are out and it stinks (this is why you always stock up and have one or two extras on hand). But with any therapeutic grade essential oil there really should be times when they are out of something. Here is why: they only way that a company would be able to produce a product 24/7/365 is if they are not 100% therapeutic and are using synthetics because growing seasons will have issues. You could have to much rain ruin a crop. You could have to little rain ruin a crop. There are many things that could cause an issue with a certain plant and then any oil that is made using that plant, won’t be able to be made.

Now there are companies that are out there that will still use the plants and sacrifice quality. There are companies that will use synthetics and compromise the quality.

For me I would much rather have a company who won’t compromise and have to suck it up that I’m out of an oil. Because that to me means more in regards to my families health. So we may be out of an oil but I am not putting something that is compromised on myself, my husband or my children!

Here is what Young Living’s Seed to Seal “Calling” is about:

There are five careful steps that are followed to ensure that Young Living is only putting out the best products with the highest standard of quality there can be.

  1. Seed: To make the best, we start with the best seeds and botanicals that have been evaluated for their essential oil-producing potential.
  2. Cultivate: Our experts travel the world visiting the Young Living farms and our carefully monitored partner growers to make sure cultivation processes meet or exceed the highest standards.
  3. Distill: Our gentle, proprietary techniques extract essential oils while preserving their precious constituents.
  4. Test: To guarantee consistent, verifiable quality, our oils are tested in third-party facilities, as well as in Young Living’s own internal labs.
  5. Seal: Using state-of-the-art equipment, our essential oils are carefully bottled, labeled, and then shipped to members worldwide.

While I may be disappointed from time to time because an oil is out I am beyond thrilled that this company has these standards. That they want to provide the best and not just make a sale. That for them quality is more important than selling a lower quality essential oil.

This is one of the reasons that I love Young Living. This is one of the reasons I am beyond grateful that I was introduced to this company!

I hope when you hear “Seed to Seal” you think of Young Living essential oils and the quality that they won’t compromise on!

Seed to Seal


  1. Nike
  2. LG
  3. McDonalds
  4. Visa
  5. M&M’s
  6. Disneyland and Disney World

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Would you like to talk to Jack or Amy?

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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