Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

Jaw Discomfort

Well I have an almost 4 year old little man who is all boy! We were horsing around the other day and our heads had a collision. To be more exact, his head collided with my jaw bone, on the right side of my head, just below the ear.

It was almost bedtime and it was sore but I figured it would be better by the time I got up the next day. Boy was I wrong. My ear/jaw hurt so badly that I didn’t even want to breath. It hurt to open my mouth, to eat, to drink, to breath, to lay down, to sit up, and the list goes on. I really didn’t want to go to the Doctor because it didn’t feel as if anything was wrong or out of place. But after a few days I started to question myself because it was my left jaw that was hurting worse and it seemed to be getting worse instead of better!

So today is day four of using Young Living Deep Relief on my jaw/ear line. Over the past four days it has allowed me to have a life with very little pain. I have been able to eat (who know that was so important), I have been able to drink (another thing you don’t realize how important it is until you are dying of thirst but don’t want to drink really because of how badly it hurts), I have been able to sleep, and I have been able to be relatively normal.

I still have a little jaw discomfort but for the most part I have recovered from the collision from my little man! There are days I really wish he wasn’t so boyish but those are usually the days I am in more pain that usual. But he provides so much fun, love and so much laughter I can’t begin to thank God enough for the blessing He gave me in this last little one!

Here is some more information about Young Living Deep Relief Essential Oil Roll-On:

Deep Relief

Deep Relief essential oil roll-on is a Young Living-exclusive blend of pure essential oils formulated to use for massage after activity. Peppermint, Wintergreen, Copaiba, Helichrysum, Dorado Azul, and other essential oils each play an integral role in this blend. Deep Relief Roll-On has an invigorating and energizing scent, and offers a convenient method of application for forehead, temples, and neck anytime, anywhere it’s needed.

Not to mention – isn’t this just amazing with how it looks! The redesign of the roll-ons has me oohing and ahhhing over how classing and elegant they now look!

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*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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