Education, Essential Oils, Young Living Essential Oils

How Do You Know Which Essential Oils or Supplements to Pick?

I am really excited to have this in our possession now! We have been blessed to be able to purchase the ZYTO Compass and it helps take the guess-work out of which Young Living essential oil or supplement to pick.

So many have asked me which one they need or should start with and I honestly can’t give them an answer because I don’t know what their body needs. I can easily answer typical things if they give me an idea as to what is going on but I can’t for certain know what their underlying issues truly are, until now!

Let me just say that when we had it all set up I was so excited. I scanned everyone in the house who was and wasn’t a willing participant. I have been told it works but until I scanned all of us here I didn’t really know how accurate it was. I was BLOWN away by the accuracy of what it was recommending for each person.

TheZYTO Compass scan is a device you put your hand on. It uses bio communication and interacts with your body using Galvanic Skin Response. Basically it uses the electronic pulses and responses to figure out what is out of whack most and what oils would work best for you.

While I don’t want to go into a ton of detail about what each family member needed I do want to talk about some of the results we had!

Jack: Things that dealt with making choices,
carb issues, dealing with the past and other things
Amy: Boosting immunity was a huge thing, dealing with the past,
discomfort issues
Adam: Gaining weight, not procrastinating, dealing with blues
Belly: Boosting immunity, dealing with angry and lack of control
Jackie: Dealing with leg discomfort from growthThere was so much more but I was so very impressed with what the report said for each of us! Have you been interested in Young Living essential oils but have no idea where to start? I have the perfect solution for you! If you live in the West Michigan area I am going to be offering a deal through the end of April. Sign up with the Premium Starter Kit and get FREE ZYTO Compass Scan!If you are not ready to sign up with a Premium Start Kit I am also offering ZYTO Compass Scans for only $10 a person (normal scan price is $20 a person)!Do you live in the West Michigan area and are ready to take the next step for improving your life with Young Living? I would love for our family to help your family!Would you like to learn more about the ZYTO Compass Scan?
CLICK HEREAre you ready to sign up?
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CLICK HERE*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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